January 28, 2025

Valentine Fabric Bundle

Happy almost month of love! We've practically made it through January, and now we get to do pink and red, yesssss!!! I'm delighted to introduce my newest Valentine Bundle. They will be live this Saturday, 2/1/25 at 10 AM PST!

You can hop right to the listings to preview the cuts and prices. I'm trying something new this time- because some of the bolts aren't 15 yds, I have 2 lower priced bundles with less prints. The prints that are missing are all basics that are easily replaceable, and always in print, so all of the novelty Valentine prints are still included, making it a great option if you want to lower the cost. Here's the one with 29 prints:

I wish I could have added F8s or other small cuts, but those require additional sorting and time, and I simply can't pull it off this week. Next time!

All bundles can ship to US, CAN, AUS, and UK, with the exception of half yard bundles, those were too heavy.

Number one question is always- what to make with it? I know exactly what I would make this time if I had a magic free weekend to do so- I'd do High Tide Remix. I just think that would be so fun in all red and pink! A delightful modern twist with these cutesy little prints. 

I'd also love to make some ruffly pillows or hot pads. Maybe I'll get to that, fingers crossed. 

I also really love this new-to-me Heart Gems by Emily Dennis, I think this is such a darling pattern. I love the way she did the simplified version here, with the woven and dark background. Beautiful! We can go ahead and call Emily the Queen of Hearts though, because all of her heart quilts are amazing! Seriously, you're sure to find something you love on her page

I have made Emily's Quilty Hearts pattern before, and I really enjoyed that. The blocks are crazy easy to make, and then the sashing takes a bit of doing, but it's really not too bad. 

There's a Free Heart Block pattern on my blog if you're wanting to make a mini quilt or pillow. I gave this one to a friend, but we have one just like it on our wall with everyone's name embroidered on it. 

This is my Where Love Is quilt on grey crossweave

One of my favorite heart quilts is I Heart You by Then Came June and Pen and Paper Patterns. I did this one in a sparkle background that I can no longer remember, sorry!

Here are some ideas I came up with for heart quilts, though I don't have patterns for any of them, yet.  

Last is my Where Love Is 2. This is one of my favorite quilts of all time, and it would be so cute in this bundle! You might need to throw in a few solids. This Etsy shop has Riley Red, Frosting, and Sugar Pink, which would be my suggestions. 

Image of Where Love Is 2 PDF Pattern

Hopefully something here sparked your imagination and you're feeling inspired to quilt some hearts! 

April 21, 2024

Felicity Pattern release- precut quilt

This new quilt pattern Felicity has been such a long time coming and I'm thrilled to finally officially share it with you. Felicity, which means intense happiness, is a precut friendly quilt pattern with a clever, easy strip piecing method for quick sashing. It has a look of a granny square- without the fabric waste or bias edges. It also has a fun Irish chain motif that connects all the blocks, and allows for a lot of different looks! 

I've never made more than one sample for a pattern release, and this time I have 3, plus one in the making. (I did get help with the blocks on one, full disclosure!) I just really love the simplicity of simple squares, the vintage vibe, the versatility and endless possibilities!

This one is from a fabric pull I've been hanging onto for years, and was the prototype for the pattern. I added Moda Ruby Ice accent chain, and hot pink Swiss Dots background. The quilting was done by Emilee Hathaway of Paisley, Prints, and Polka Dots. I added a simple solid pink binding, and a backing that matches the chain, and I am all heart eyes for this quilt. 

There's an option in the pattern to use a Layer Cake for the granny squares in a scrappy way. You eliminate some of the yardage, and use just one Layer Cake. These three are in Sunnyside by Camille Roskelley

These next ones are Strawberry Lemonade by Sherri and Chelsi for Moda, with Kona Mint and Riley Blake Riley White as an accent or background. I loved this version so much that I started one myself. 

One really sweet thing that happened during the making of this pattern was that weeks into its design, my sister Olivia had a baby girl, and she hadn't told us what the name would be. I hadn't talked to my family about this new pattern that I'd decided to name Felicity. Imagine my delight when she announced that the baby's name was- Jane Felicity! OF COURSE she had to have her own version. 

Fabrics used are:
Kona Blue background
Similar green gingham (couldn't find more) for the accent chain
Liberty mostly Betsy prints from Duckadilly
Kona Charm Pack for the solid centers
Ruby Star Food Group gingham binding

I love how scrappy and vintage feeling this one turned out. I quilted it at home with the squiggle stitch on my Husqvarna, and added some white accent big stitch quilting. 

I love this pattern so very much. It feels like years of honing in on what I love about a quilt, both the making of, and the final look. My editor Jessica at Blue Sky Crafter did an amazing job helping me come of up ways to make it super efficient and easy to understand. She's the best! 

See you soon for Ruby Star Scrappy Trip adventures!

April 15, 2024

Garden of Quilts 2024

I'm happy to share that I will be teaching at Garden of Quilts this September 11-14 in Lehi, Utah. I've been to this event twice before and it is always a wonderful few days full of quilts, friends, and fun! Here are the three classes I'll be teaching. I don't plan to be a part of any other events, but I do hope to see you all in the gardens! I think I'll also purchase a ticket to the tea party :) All of the events and classes opened for registration today, and I've provided links to mine. 

Before we dive into classes, one important note/change this year is that Garden of Quilts will not be providing kits on site. That means you can bring your own, or purchase one from the teacher ahead of time and have it shipped to you. I'll provide details on each class regarding whether or not I'm providing kits. Another important note is that the quilts are only on display in the gardens on Friday and Saturday! Ok on to the classes. 

Wednesday 2PM to 5PM- Baby Basket

This is a fast, relatively east quilt, perfect for the advanced beginner. A confident sewist could finish this quilt top during class time no problem. For the more tentative, I'm there to help you conquer strip piecing, blocks on point, and borders. This makes a fantastic baby gift and works well in just about any fabric line. Here are a few I've made over the years. 

I don't plan on providing any kits for this one. You only need half of a Jelly Roll or Rolie Polie for the prints. You can find the fabric requirements and pattern for this one here- Baby Basket Quilt. I'd recommend a fabric line that doesn't have a lot of low volume prints. Or you can cut your own! It's just 18 2.5" strips. 

I have to show you the back of this quilt since many people love it more than the front, haha! I used the leftover cutoff scraps, as well as two of the low volume prints I omitted, to make a pieced backing. It's very sweet. 

Here's one I made as a gift for a friend's baby. The pattern lends itself well to any kind of a color palette. 

Thursday 2PM to 5PM- Scrappy Trip Party

This is going to be a choose-your-own-adventure kind of a deal where whatever Scrappy Trip you're dreaming up, I'm there to help you start it. I'll show you the method used to make the blocks, no matter the look you're going for, whether that be accent lines, checkerboard style, background colors, rainbow, you name it! I'm very passionate about this pattern and I can't wait to see what you'll make! You can gather inspiration for your own version at #wwscrappytrip on IG. I'm putting together a document that has all the different fabric requirements for different versions. Here are some of the options. 

Two Jelly Rolls in the simplest way to go. You can do one print and one white (or background of your choice) for a checkerboard effect. Or, you can use two Jelly Rolls of prints, doubling up on the same fabric line, or choose two coordinating fabric line. Using two lines by the same designer is a great option. 

You can make things more complicated for yourself by adding an accent diagonal. It's not too bad, I promise! On this version, I did a Bee Lori Jelly Roll with yellow background yardage, and a white accent line. 

I will be selling some kits for this which will be ready for purchase in May. It's a checkerboard style with all Ruby Star prints, and either a black dot on white background, or plain white. It's very cute! You can also make this quilt with fat quarters and scraps, as long as your 2.5" strips are at least 20" long. 

Friday 2PM to 5PM- Crochet Scallop Trim Pillow

Here we'll go over the steps to creating a darling little length of scallop crochet stitches, and then how to sew them into a pillow! I've already sold two rounds of kits for this- Valentine and Easter themed. I may have more spring kits in a week or two, we'll see how I end up with supplies after shipping the last round. The pattern for this one will be emailed to everyone who registers. I will have helpers with me there who know how to crochet this stitch so I feel confident we will be able to get everyone going on this. 

I know it can be tricky to arrange travel to Utah for some of us, but this is a bucket list event for quilters for sure. I hope to support it many more times over the years, there's something so magical about the quilts in the gardens and the camaraderie of being with fellow quilt lovers. Hope to see you there!

February 23, 2024

Pastel Plaid bundle for Easter


Welcome back! I'm excited to talk about this new bundle today and all the fun things we could make with it. Bundles will be up tomorrow, Saturday 24th at 9AM PST. There will be fat quarters, half yards, and quarter yards. See you there!

My first thought was Mariposas- my butterfly pattern.  I've mocked it up here with a super pale yellow, almost cream background, and a medium grey body fabric. 

I also think it would be really great to just do simple half square triangles. If you buy the quarter yard bundle and cut 20 of the prints into (5) 8.5" squares, you'll get 10 HSTs from each print for an 8 x 10 grid quilt that measures 64" x 80".  It would be pretty against a lightest pink, purple, or blue. 

I never would have thought to do Chamomile with darker prints, but many of you have done so, especially for themed holiday quilts, and I love them! This Chamomile mockup in Pastel Plaids is probably my favorite of the bunch, I'd love to have it as an Easter quilt!

There are quite a few Quilty Love (by Emily Dennis) patterns that would work well with this bundle. In fact, her Classic Stars pattern sample is made up in flannel plaids. Choose a strong accent color, or white, for the stars or hearts and these cute ginghams would be a darling patchwork background. 

I'd love to make a picnic quilt or a baby gift for someone with just simple squares! So much of this fabric bundle reminds me of my own 80s childhood, in fact my official baby blanket that my aunt made me was a smaller pink gingham almost exactly like the one included! This would be a great option for hiding stains and being super durable. I'd even love to tie it with yarn to make it very retro. This one is mocked up in 4" squares. 

Kitchen Table Quilting (Erica) also has a lot of great patterns that would work well for this like the Tessa, Olivia, Hazel, or Harper. 

You could also make Star Kisses! That's never a bad choice when you have fat quarters and you want something pretty easy. The pattern is written for 24 fat eighths, or 12 fat quarters. Since there are 21 prints in this bundle you'd use 2 of them twice and the rest only once, so it would be on the scrappier side, which is always my preference!

Lastly, I think any kind of equilateral triangle quilt would complement and contrast the grid of these fabrics really nicely. Pair them with low volumes like Red Pepper Quilts did here, or just white, and you'd have a real winner!

See you in the morning!

January 11, 2024

2024 Quilty Plans

 Hello and Happy New Year!

Since the kids have been back to school I've spent many hours getting ready for quilty things that are happening this year. I thought I would share some of those with you so we can be excited together!

First of all, the upcoming new Felicity pattern is underway! The pattern will be finished soon, the kits are 90% ready, and I've got someone sewing one of the samples for me. I'm shooting for mid-February on that one. The 1930s prints for that are used as the rainbow prints are so dang cute, and it comes in two accent color ways- pink and blue. 

I've ordered a custom grouping of Ruby Star fabrics in a bright, warm rainbow which I plan to sell in different cuts that people can use as they like, and those who purchase the 24 FQs will be able to make this Scrappy Trip quilt with me. No dates on a sew along yet, as some of the fabric here but some is backordered. I'll keep you updated! Hopefully around March. 

I have my eye on a grouping of scrappy pastel ginghams and plaids that I want to use for my Mariposa pattern, which will be getting a reworking this year with expanded instructions. An Easter time project if all goes well!

My kids will have a normal summer since we switched schools and have a traditional schedule now. I won't have any projects at that time, ha! We hope to fit in two big camp trips- one to the beach and one to the mountains. 

I plan to attend Garden of Quilts in Utah this September 11-15. Proposals for classes are still in motion, but I'm submitting some things that I've gotten many requests for, and I'm very excited to do that with you! Here are few sneaky peeks of what I hope to teach there.


It's a wonderful event that I've attended twice before. I plan to stay longer this year and really enjoy the gardens and all of you! This year they will not be providing kits for classes, you can either create your own with the given requirements, or purchase one from the teacher of the class separately. I hope to provide different kinds of kits for each of my classes. 

I know I've had this one on the list forever, and some of you have been waiting and waiting, but by golly I'm going to start the Jumping Jacks quilt for my music room this year. Of course I'll share some tips and tricks along the way. Here is the one I sent to my aunt, which will be very similar to mine. 

Other than that, the camellias and amaryllis are in full glory over here, and the kids are all trying out for the Peter Pan musical and really hoping to get the parts they want! I hope your January is off to a good start wherever you are and whatever you're up to. I appreciate you stopping by today!


December 2, 2023

30s fabric fun

Greetings! Today is a great day for a new bundle. This one is a combination of 1930s reproduction prints, some calicos, and other tiny florals and basics that create a perfect soft rainbow. There are so many wonderful things you can make with it! Let's get into it. (Unless you just want to shop now!)

There are so many patterns I think would work well for this bundle, here are few I thought of. Let me know if you have other ideas!

The free pattern Maggie Pearl by Penelope Handmade would be a lovely match for this particular fabric. 

Maggie Pearl Quilt Along – Penelope Handmade Shop

A simple half square triangle quilt like this one by Beech Tree Lane is never a bad choice. 

A Great Granny square quilt is one of my favorite things to make. This was my birthday bee quilt a few years ago, using the block tutorial and 2.5" sashing. 

There's something so right about Dresden blocks and 30s fabric. Dresden Botanica by Missouri Star is a great one!

The above pinwheel Dresdens by Amy Smart would also be super cute! It's a tutorial. This is another cool Dresden tutorial from a trunk show she attended, looks like they followed this tutorial.

 Mini Merry Go Round by Sandy Klop is a favorite of one of my best friends. She saw this one at Garden of Quilts last year, let me know if you know the maker! I'm not sure of the specific fabric requirements for this one, you'll have to do some sleuthing if you plan on making it and shop accordingly. 

Lastly, I am still looking for a source on this photo, and I don't have a pattern for it specifically, but I thought it was wonderful inspiration for this bundle. I know it's a vintage quilt for sale, I'll cite the source if I'm able to find it. Please let me know if you know! It's a vintage quilt seller on IG. 

I also think it would make a wonderful Scrappy Trip. Of course :)

While you can make anything you want with this very versatile bundle, the pattern I designed specifically for this bundle is called Felicity, which means intense happiness. I've felt so happy designing and making this quilt! 

It's made for a Layer Cake or two Charm Packs, plus yardage of accent and background fabric. They should be ready mid-January. This is easily a top 3 favorite pattern ever for me, I love the simplicity, the look of granny squares without any weird trimming or bias, and the way each print gets to shine. It also has some sweet strip piecing for all the sashing, and nesting seams throughout, so it goes super quick!

There's a pink color way and a blue color way for the kits, each with red centers. I read in a 1982 quilting book that red centers were used in the middle of log cabin blocks to represent the chimney. When I shared that on Instagram, a few people shared that they had learned different meaning for the use of red, that is was the heart of the home, or the love found at home. I loved those definitions even more! I'm sure that all were true, depending on who you ask. 

I'll be back in January will more details on those kits. For now, happy shopping and Merry December!