September 8, 2017

Folk Stitches- Blocks 4, 5, and 6

Welcome back fabric lovers! We are getting ready for a fun crazy day tomorrow so I figured I get this one up early. There's an air show at the airport right behind our back yard so we'll have friends, food and front row seats to some amazing aircraft doing tricks! One of my favorite days of the year.

Here are the next 3 block design for the week. You'll notice they are almost exactly the same as each other like last week. Only the bottom row differs- the tips of the tulips.

Block 4
Color A- 8
Color B- 6
Color D- 3
Color G- 3
Background- 44



Block 5
Color A- 8
Color B- 6
Color C-  2
Color G- 4
Background- 44



Block 6
Color A- 8
Color B- 6
Color C- 1
Color E- 3
Color G- 2
Background- 44



Here's my Block 6 (upside down). I try to make one block every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning while my two big kids are at school. So far so good! It's good for me to have to do a steady, consistent project like this. Usually I'm an all or nothing binge sewer!

I know I mentioned this earlier, but I don't count, for example, 44 background squares each time I sit down to sew. I just look at the diagram and start making pairs as I go. Does that make sense? I try to avoid counting when possible, ha!

See you next time for the tulips, it's a fun one :)


  1. Just got my fabric and I can't wait to start!!

  2. Here are the next 3 block design for the week. You'll notice they are almost exactly the same as each other like last week. Only the bottom row differs- the tips of the tulips.
    3D Flower Cutting Designs
    Christmas Monogram SVG for Cricut
    Monogram Designs for Dancers
    Fish-themed DIY projects
