January 18, 2017

Just an Update

2017 has been a real doozy so far at our house. Usually I love January- I love to purge, organize, redecorate, assess and have less on the calendar. I really dig in and get control of my life. But this time around, it's been all I can do just to stay afloat. I'm sad that I haven't documented here on the blog some of the projects that have left my hands in the past 2 months, but such is life. For a little better idea of what's been going on, you can always check my Instagram.

I won't get into the sob stories here, this is my happy place. But let's just say that my baby's pediatrician has ordered me to go on vacation. Which....brings me to a very funny story!

Over a year ago now, my husband was at work trying to call someone with an LA area code. He misdialed and ended up calling a radio station that was having a contest of some sort. Well, he just so happened to be the 15th caller and won a trip to the Bahamas. Seriously. What are the odds, right!?? When he heard them talking about a cruise, he thought it was a scam and hung up. They called him back. He still didn't trust it, so he gave them his spam email account. They sent the tickets, we called, and they are totally legit. Can you believe that!!? This happened right before we had a baby, and life hasn't allowed for such a trip yet, but now I am happy that we haven't gotten around to it. I just need to get this baby weaned and buy a new swimsuit and we are out of here! I have never been anywhere tropical, nor have I been on a cruise, and I'm really excited.

Anyway, there's really no point to any of this other than to check in, and cheer myself up a bit. Hopefully things will calm down around here and I can get to some of the projects on my list. I had such fun plans for this year! I suppose all is not lost, and it's certainly not too late :) Stay tuned for some exciting announcements, including a really fun magazine feature!


  1. Oh dear.... your start to 2017 does not sound like it has been fun! Ours hasn't been that great either.... but no tropical island cruise for us... we are thinking a trip to Tasmanian high country during winter might be the go.
    Hope the fabric patting and making things keeps you going until then

  2. Congrats on the win. We were on a cruise over Xmas. Grand Turk, Amber Cove, San Juan, St. Marten. You will love ❤️ it. No meals to cook, beds to make, just relaxation, beautiful scenery and oh the water. Enjoy every minute.

  3. Sounds like the vacation is coming just in the nick of time. It will be hard to leave the boys but just keep telling yourself how wonderful it will be to be alone with your husband! Bon voyage! Lovely projects!

  4. Allison, the pictures of your projects are making me covet! SOOOO cute! I try to check my Instagram now and then but I'm not very consistent. I have definitely missed some of these. Hope you get time to start blogging more! But if not, I do get it. Life is busy. :)

  5. I won a trip to Hawaii shortly after having my first baby from a radio station contest. They had entries at several of the area businesses (Kiddy World) that advertise on their station. I filled one out and mailed it in. My husband told me I was wasting a stamp lol! Anyway I ended up being the Kiddy World winner. It was the same for me. I thought it was a scam when they called me as I forgot I had sent in the entry. They had to convince me it was legit and there was no catch! Anyway after we weaning him we went to Hawaii! It was like a second honeymoon. Also I love these new patterns!

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