May 2, 2016

Rise Quilt Along Kickoff!

It's time to begin! Who's excited!!? Here are the details of the sew along-

Time frame (updated):

The block patterns will be published every other Friday, here on the blog, beginning with the simplest and progressing to the most complex. Don't worry, there isn't anything too tricky!

May 2- Kickoff and Giveaway
May 16- Block 1
May 28- Block 2
June 10- Block 3
June 24- Block 4
July 8- Block 5
July 22- Block 6
August 5- Block 7
August 19- Block 8
September 2- Block 9
September 16- Prairie Points/Borders and Final Giveaway 

UPDATE: A convenient condensed version of all the Rise pattern together can be found in my Pattern Shop.


Balloons: I used 16 fat eights of Backyard Roses by Ellis and Higgs for Riley Blake, which covered the balloons and prairie points with a good amount left over. You could also use scraps, jelly strips, or layer cake squares. You will need about 6 fat quarters' worth of fabric, though a little more variety than 6 prints would be optimal. 

1 yd background fabric
1/2 yd border fabric
1/2 yd binding fabric
2 yds backing

Now for the fun part- a giveaway! I'll pick a winner from the list of subscribers the night before the first block release. The prize will be a surprise, but it will involve fabric of course :) There will be another giveaway at the end chosen from those who participated. You can subscribe at the link below by adding this blog to your existing reader, or clicking "get Woodberry Way delivered by email". Following by Bloglovin' or some other format is also fine.

Subscribe to Woodberry Way

I just have to mention how excited I was to use this as a backing. The Seed Catalog print combined with the hot air balloons and summery prints remind of me of an old timey state fair, and I just love it!

The final quilt measures 42" by 54", a generous baby size. It would be the most perfect new baby quilt, in my humble opinion :)

If you are quilting along and are on Instagram, don't forget to tag with #risequilt so I can see. I'm @woodberry_way, and I love to share quilts there too! 

When the sew along is over, I'll have the entire pattern available for purchase for those who prefer that. 

Also, I've added a tab on the top right of the blog with quick links to the patterns- "Rise Quilt Along". Enjoy!


  1. Hello, I'm not seeing where I subscribe to your site. Also, would 1 jelly roll work?? I can't wait to see your blocks on this cute quilt!!

    1. If you're on the mobile site the right sidebar isn't visible, sorry about that. I'm working on a link in the post or something.
      You could use jelly strips for a lot of the pieces, but not all. For example, the center simple balloon is a lot wider than a jelly strip. But I guess if you wanted you could substitute in a more complicated block right there.
      I'm excited that you're joining in, thanks!!

    2. I've added a link mid-post where it talks about the giveaway for mobile site users :)

    3. Yes thank you. I went to the website not mobile and there it was. I signed up and ready!!

    4. Yes thank you. I went to the website not mobile and there it was. I signed up and ready!!

  2. Looks like fun! I subscribed to follow by that where I sign up?

  3. This is so cute! And it's different than everything out there!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Following by email! Thanks so much for this.....such a sweet quilt I could not resist!

  6. Hurray!! I signed up for email notifications! Super excited to join in!

  7. Excited about this---looks like a perfect baby quilt!! Thanks!

  8. Just popped over to say hello from New Quilt Bloggers! I would love to take part in the QAL if you are still taking people. Will follow by email and hopefully I'll be on the list! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  9. This is super cute Allison!! And I just love the design of your site! Looking forward to getting to know you better through the New Quilt Bloggers forum :)

  10. This is so great! And I might actually be able to do complete it in the time frame! :) I subscribed, but let me know if you didn't get it!

    1. Yep you're on the list. Glad to have you!

  11. This is a cute quilt! I believe I'm signed up and ready to go! :)

  12. Hi Alli! I just stumbled on your new cute mini quilt pattern on Instagram and found this quilt along. Love it and definitely joining in! Thanks for hosting.

  13. I am totally in love with that backing. It goes so perfectly with the quilt! I can taste the cotton candy and feel the sawdust beneath my feet just looking at it. Lovely!

  14. Those hot air balloons are adorable. My nephew's son would love this. He is crazy for hot air balloons. My sister knit him a sweater with one on it. Dare I start yet another project???

  15. Those hot air balloons are adorable. My nephew's son would love this. He is crazy for hot air balloons. My sister knit him a sweater with one on it. Dare I start yet another project???

  16. Lovely! This is definitely going on my to-do list! :)

  17. Absolutely gorgeous! I'll have to watch from the side lines, I've already got too many new things started.

  18. I love this! I'm away this week, but then I'm hoping I can do a catch up!

  19. If it's not too late, I would love to join, thankyou. Love the balloon quilt, Rise!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I found your quilt over the weekend (thanks to you being chosen for the tea fabric stitching). I have made blocks 1 and 2 and all of the basket sections from fabrics I chose for baby quilts over a year ago. Thanks for the perfect pattern for this.

    1. You caught up quick Capi! Thanks for joining, I'm glad you like it :)

  22. These are so cute! Could you please check block 3 as I am unable to open it. Thanks.

    1. You are the second person to have trouble with that, I'm so sorry! It has worked for others, and it works on my computer, so I'm not sure what to do about it. If you send me your email I'll give you the file directly. I apologize!

  23. I found you from the New Quilt Bloggers blog hop. This is an adorable quilt. It will be fun to see what people do with it.

  24. Hi Allison,
    We are expecting our first granddaughter in October and the theme of the baby's room is Oh, the places you'll go and travel! So I was thrilled to find your blog and I have made the first 4 balloons. They are precious. My friend saw them and was hooked instantly and is also making them. Thank you so much for this adorable pattern.
    I do have a favor to ask. We are at the beach together this weekend and we'd like to cut the fabric for the prairie points. Would you possibly consider letting us know the dimensions of the fabric for the prairie points now? I know it's early but we are quite excited. Thanks for considering my request.

    Marilyn White

    1. Congratulations on your first grandbaby Marilyn! What an exciting part of life. That is no problem at all, I've actually gotten that question a few times. The prairie points are 3" cut and there are 62 of them. You'd need a little less than a half yard if you're doing all one color. I cut mine out scrappy from the leftovers of the balloons. Do either of you have Instagram? I'd love to see when you're finished! You can add it to #risequilt there. Thanks so much for sewing along!

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I have only just found this adorable QAL. I consider myself a new quilter, since I have only ever hand quilted. I have a "new" machine, meaning I bought it with great intentions almost 4 years ago, and haven't done anything other than hem pants and skirts. My very first grandbaby is arriving in September and this is the perfect theme for "it". I am hoping to get started with the blocks so I can begin quilting along and have it ready by the end of September - due date is mid september just as the last block comes out. This will be a challenge, but once I get started, I can share the project with my daughter and she can be excited too. thanks for sharing this great pattern!

  27. This is super cute and I would love to make it, but downloading and saving every block individually will take more time than I'd like to invest. Do you happen to have the entire pattern in one document?

    1. Hi Andi, thanks! I will have the whole pattern available for purchase once the sew along is over, I don't even have all of them written yet. Check back in October :)

  28. I just found you! Can I be a late starter for the sew along?

  29. I just subscribed and want to make sure I will get the rest of the blocks and prairie point border in an email. Is that correct or do I need to do something else?

    1. Yep, that should do it! Thanks for joining!

  30. I love the colors on this one. And the fluttery little flag things. And I didn't see the back of it when I was there, it's a great back!

  31. Subscribed by email! Can't wait to start working on this one. I'm using Cottage by Tilda.

  32. Hi Ali! I just subscribred in your site. Do you have Growth Chart Quilt Patterns that you have done? I would like to make one from my granddaughter. Although this Baloon Quilt can be a growth chart. Thanks in advance. Rusel Guevara

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  34. Absolutely thrilled to see this! The design looks stunning, and I’m excited to start this creative journey. I love how the patterns are both modern and timeless. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s unique interpretations and learning new techniques along the way. Thanks for organizing this – it’s going to be an inspiring experience! see this

  35. I’m really excited about the Rise Quilt-Along! The kickoff post was so inspiring and well-organized. I can’t wait to start working on my quilt and see everyone’s progress. Thanks for providing such clear instructions and beautiful inspiration—this is going to be a fun and rewarding project! Custom Concrete Driveway Services
